The mission of Roland was to prepare Odetta Holmes and Detta Walker for the wrath of the psychopath. Roland encountered half legged Odetta Holmes and Detta Walker and the psychopath responsible for Odetta Holmes and Detta Walker. The door could lead him to New York (1987), Africa (1964) and Africa (1977). The beast infected Roland with some kind of magic as three doorways appeared along the western beach that may take him to present day world. He managed to kill the beast on the expense of his two fingers and one tow. Roland resumed his journey after his final battle with the man in black, and suddenly confronted by a beast on the beach of the Western Sea. The Drawing of the three, 2nd volume of the Dark Tower series was released in 1987.
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This volume is full of flash backs related to Roland’s life such as his encounter in kitchen resulted in the hanging of cook, his treachery with his teacher and the successful battle expeditions. The boy accompanied Roland in his mission with persistent threat to Roland’s life. He found perfect ka-tet in a teenage boy from present day world. In his expedition to find the man in black, he encountered demon infected Mohaine desert, a murderous preacher and her congregate, speaking demon. The Gunslinger is about the story of Roland finding a magician, the man in black. Roland, the man in black, travelled through the deserted Mid-World to find dark tower. Revision of 1st volume was conducted to exclude continuity errors. Names of short stories were The Way Station, The Oracle and the Mountains, The Slow Mutants, The Gunslinger and the Dark Man. The Gunslinger, 1st volume of the Dark Tower series, released in 1982 and revised edition published in 2003, is comprised of five stories published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Storyline of first two volumes of The Dark Tower Series is described below for the interest our readers The names and description of ka-tet and rivals are excluded to keep suspense. Roland is supported by many companions (Ka-tet) and he encountered various rivalries throughout his journey to find the dark tower. Roland lacked imagination but lack of imagination proved to crucial in surviving instincts as his only imagination is to survive for the fortification of the dark tower. Roland made the quest to save the world his obsession and mania. Roland, the lead character in the dark tower series, born in Inland and the last gunslinger of knightly order was entrusted with the mission to find and save the existence of their world by fortifying the dark tower. Faith of the world rests in Ronald’s hands to save the magnetic beams. The six magnetic Beams always kept time, space, size and dimension aligned but the Beams starts to week that may result in destroying the dark tower. The reality started fray as a consequence of drift in time and direction.

The situation is started to move towards its doom with a drift in time and direction during the journey of Roland. The purpose of Roland Deschain’s journey is to destroy someone using the evil technology of the Great Older Ones to nullify an eminent threat of world’s destruction. The dark tower, link to time and space continuum, is located capricious area of End world having distinct dancing sea roses. The Dark Tower series is about the search of Roland Deschain, member of knightly order and the last gunslinger in Mid World, to find dark tower, an ultimate, powerful yet subtle magical network or edifice, across deserted and apocalyptic lands of Mid-world. High speech is designed based Egyptian mythology and used by many other authors in their screen plays and volumes. Stephen developed a high speech for the characters in The Dark Tower series as the terms ka, ka-tet, thankee and sai meaning fate, people with similar faith, thank you and sir respectively. The Dark tower series comprised of more than 4,000 pages, incorporated unique and exclusive names of location to make this series special and worth remembering.

The lead character, Roland Deschain, is inspired by Clint Eastwood’s Man with No Name as explained by Stephen King. The Dark tower series was principally based on Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came, a poem by Robert Browning but two movies, Lords of the Rings Arthurian Legend, and The Good, the Bad & the Ugly, also inspired Stephen king. Stephen King claimed that whole dark tower series is his first draft and his plan to redraft the whole series was changed after the release of revised Gunslinger (1st volume of series). Seven volumes of this fascinating series are published in addition to one prequel (2012) with first volume released in 1982. The Dark Tower series written Stephen king is blend of multiple genres including science fiction, horror, dark and western fantasies.